I was exploring the Synapse site yesterday - excellent resources there and another great way to connect with other teachers of biology. There are some great connections to videos and also various suggestiongs from a pool of people discussing relevant ideas related to teaching and planning in general as well as to specific topics. Check it out. http://thesynapse.ning.com/
When I went to seach for it again today (I forgot to bookmark - oops), I found another cool site for an innovative engineering company with a focus on cross collaboration with a multidisciplinary group of professionals - pretty cool company and some interesting articles. http://www.synapse.com/
Our school has started "Project lead the way" and we have many budding engineers in our midst. Reading a little bit about this company just reaffirms the importance of educating students in a way that encourages teamwork, creativity, and the augmentation of ideas through a collective, collaborative process. 21st century students need to be creative innovators.
So, it is definitely easy to get lost and off on tangents when surfing the net, but love it when the results take you to interesting places.