Implementing Web Tools in the Classroom
I have not been having too much luck with the first assignment - problems with uploading and formating, but hopefully it is figured out. The following site has some great interactive activities for introducing evolution in biology.
I love the first 3 sites for giving a geological perspective to biological diversity. Many of my students have not taken earth science, so it helps to build some background information.
The activity for which I have done this assignment is the "What does T.rex taste like?" activity. It is a very good interactive introduction to the basics of cladistics and how cladograms are used to show common ancestry and evolutionary relationships. The main problem I have with the activity is that it is difficult, once you have moved ahead, to go back to review something in a previous folder. You essentially have to click back through the folder again. This would be a bit of an annoyance for most of my students, but in general this is a very good activity.
I have modified the assignment for this activity to suit my needs. It was copied into a Google doc and I had to reformat it, so it may not be exactly as it should be. The link to the assignment is:
and the direct link to this activity is:
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